WEBVTT 00:00:11.800 --> 00:00:13.440 My name is Derya Iner. 00:00:13.440 --> 00:00:16.840 I am associate professor at Charles Sturt University. 00:00:16.840 --> 00:00:21.000 We are producing Islamophobia in Australia reports here 00:00:21.000 --> 00:00:25.200 in collaboration with Islamophobia Register Australia. 00:00:25.200 --> 00:00:28.560 It's a community platform which collects incidents 00:00:28.560 --> 00:00:33.960 from proxies, victims and bystanders. 00:00:33.960 --> 00:00:36.560 In my talk today, I will be giving some examples 00:00:36.560 --> 00:00:38.400 from this report. 00:00:43.440 --> 00:00:45.840 Islamophobia is a form of racism. 00:00:45.840 --> 00:00:49.280 That's why we call it anti-Muslim racism. 00:00:49.280 --> 00:00:51.600 It is very much similar to racism. 00:00:51.600 --> 00:00:55.320 The only difference is it is directed at Muslims 00:00:55.320 --> 00:01:00.600 because of their religious names, visibility or association with Islam. 00:01:00.600 --> 00:01:06.120 Also, people may have opinions about and biased opinions about Islam. 00:01:06.120 --> 00:01:09.640 That's very normal it’s people's personal opinions. 00:01:09.640 --> 00:01:12.840 But if these biased opinions are leading 00:01:12.840 --> 00:01:17.200 to assault, insults, belittle someone else 00:01:17.200 --> 00:01:21.480 or Muslims in general, we would call it Islamophobia as well. 00:01:21.480 --> 00:01:23.880 Then it is not freedom of speech. 00:01:23.880 --> 00:01:25.400 It is freedom to hate. 00:01:25.400 --> 00:01:28.560 And that is not acceptable. 00:01:33.080 --> 00:01:35.000 Open discrimination. 00:01:35.000 --> 00:01:38.800 It can be physical assault or harassment, 00:01:38.800 --> 00:01:42.600 but sometimes it comes in a very subtle way as well. 00:01:42.600 --> 00:01:45.000 It's like as if kidding. 00:01:45.000 --> 00:01:48.600 It can be amongst children, name calling. In the media 00:01:48.600 --> 00:01:52.760 rhetoric and political rhetoric, it is very commonly 00:01:52.760 --> 00:01:55.800 and openly made like 00:01:55.800 --> 00:01:59.360 Muslims associated directly with terrorism... 00:01:59.360 --> 00:02:02.640 So it becomes the everyday usual language. 00:02:02.640 --> 00:02:07.800 Or when children are playing computer games, 00:02:07.800 --> 00:02:09.880 dark skin, Arab looking 00:02:09.880 --> 00:02:14.120 people are the ones - bombers, let's say. 00:02:14.120 --> 00:02:18.240 So we can see that this kind of surrounding culture 00:02:18.240 --> 00:02:23.240 can easily be infused into everyday language of students 00:02:23.240 --> 00:02:25.200 and teachers as well. 00:02:30.280 --> 00:02:36.640 Islamophobia can be experienced in the actual school premises, but it can be 00:02:36.640 --> 00:02:41.160 maybe on the way to school or from school to home. 00:02:41.160 --> 00:02:47.280 One parent was telling that one day her son came from school 00:02:47.280 --> 00:02:52.320 and asking about Pauline Hanson, Trump and who these persons are. 00:02:52.320 --> 00:02:55.640 And then the mother said, Where do you know them? 00:02:55.640 --> 00:02:57.600 How did you hear about them? 00:02:57.600 --> 00:03:00.360 And the son said they told 00:03:00.360 --> 00:03:04.920 that they don't like Muslims, they don't like women with headscarves. 00:03:04.920 --> 00:03:07.800 I'm afraid that they will kick you out of this country. 00:03:07.800 --> 00:03:10.840 If you go, how who is going to look after us? 00:03:10.840 --> 00:03:17.160 Again in the child's world, it is a completely different story. 00:03:17.160 --> 00:03:20.600 It's a fear story. What? They don't want us? 00:03:20.600 --> 00:03:21.960 They don't want my mum? 00:03:21.960 --> 00:03:25.160 What if they just send him, send her away? 00:03:25.160 --> 00:03:29.560 Another parent was reporting that then 8 year 00:03:29.560 --> 00:03:32.600 old children were playing 00:03:32.600 --> 00:03:35.720 hide and seek at the schoolyard. 00:03:35.720 --> 00:03:40.080 One of them, they had a dispute, I think, over the play over the game 00:03:40.080 --> 00:03:43.440 and one called the other terrorist. 00:03:43.440 --> 00:03:47.000 Children are a role modelling people around them, 00:03:47.000 --> 00:03:51.720 whether it be parents or adults around them. 00:03:51.720 --> 00:03:56.280 Children are affected by media and political discourse 00:03:56.280 --> 00:03:58.920 and without knowing the meaning they're using it. 00:03:58.920 --> 00:04:03.720 It is just a way of expressing their frustration in the earlier ages. 00:04:03.720 --> 00:04:06.640 That's why they just call it without thinking, and I would call it 00:04:06.640 --> 00:04:09.840 mirroring in early age children. 00:04:09.840 --> 00:04:15.720 But when they become older and older, it becomes a very normal rhetoric. 00:04:15.720 --> 00:04:19.640 If you're able to say someone when you are eight years old terrorists, 00:04:19.640 --> 00:04:21.040 why not then you're 18? 00:04:21.040 --> 00:04:23.760 Because that is a very regular rhetoric. 00:04:23.760 --> 00:04:26.280 By that time, you just hear it. 00:04:26.280 --> 00:04:29.720 You hear it here and there, again and again. 00:04:34.520 --> 00:04:39.000 We see a strong correlation between what is happening around the world 00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:44.120 or a political figure going and speaking against Muslims openly 00:04:44.120 --> 00:04:48.720 and the incidents happening at school or the rhetoric 00:04:48.720 --> 00:04:51.120 directed at children, at school. 00:04:51.120 --> 00:04:54.840 During the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 00:04:54.840 --> 00:05:00.160 a Palestinian child brought a flag with him to school 00:05:00.160 --> 00:05:03.880 and teacher said, “Why do you bring a terrorist flag? 00:05:03.880 --> 00:05:08.320 Put it back.” So the child felt really 00:05:08.320 --> 00:05:13.720 I think, ashamed in front of his friends 00:05:13.720 --> 00:05:16.920 and the parent was trying to address this matter. 00:05:16.920 --> 00:05:24.360 In another case, it was after the shooting by a student in a high school, 00:05:24.360 --> 00:05:28.800 and it was in the context of violent extremism 00:05:28.800 --> 00:05:32.600 and in a Sydney suburb and in that suburb 00:05:32.600 --> 00:05:35.880 some time later in a similar school, 00:05:35.880 --> 00:05:40.080 a teacher was very angry with the Muslim student and he was calling 00:05:40.080 --> 00:05:43.560 and shouting at him and calling him terrorist. 00:05:48.120 --> 00:05:49.600 They’re in high school, 00:05:49.600 --> 00:05:54.560 so this self-esteem is developing and it is very hurtful 00:05:54.560 --> 00:06:00.720 if they feel like they are not wanted or their religious identity 00:06:00.720 --> 00:06:06.040 or who they are is diminished or belittled, that's a problem. 00:06:06.040 --> 00:06:09.440 But also for a younger child as well, 00:06:09.440 --> 00:06:12.840 from the earlier stages, it can be a source of fear. 00:06:12.840 --> 00:06:16.960 But also being feeling that you are belonged 00:06:16.960 --> 00:06:21.040 is a very human innate nature and need. 00:06:21.040 --> 00:06:24.320 And I remember another mum was saying 00:06:24.320 --> 00:06:27.360 I wanted to take leave 00:06:27.360 --> 00:06:30.640 for my daughter, for her 00:06:30.640 --> 00:06:34.640 for our religious celebration, Eid. 00:06:34.640 --> 00:06:38.000 She said, I'll tell your teacher that 00:06:38.000 --> 00:06:42.000 it's our religious celebration, so you shouldn't go. 00:06:42.000 --> 00:06:45.240 And she said, “No, please, mama, don't do it. 00:06:45.240 --> 00:06:48.080 Otherwise they will understand that I am Muslim.” 00:06:48.080 --> 00:06:51.880 And that child was in kindergarten when this happened. 00:06:51.880 --> 00:06:56.040 From kindergarten onwards it becomes a 00:06:56.040 --> 00:06:57.840 frequently heard 00:06:57.840 --> 00:07:00.680 or frequently experienced discrimination 00:07:00.680 --> 00:07:03.960 and abuse and that repeat victimisation 00:07:03.960 --> 00:07:07.160 in the long run has a bigger impact 00:07:07.160 --> 00:07:11.080 in terms of emotional well-being, social wellbeing, 00:07:11.080 --> 00:07:18.120 because we are reinforcing a “us and them” discourse 00:07:18.120 --> 00:07:22.480 and if that starts in an earlier age, that's going to grow 00:07:22.480 --> 00:07:24.440 and that's a concern. 00:07:29.160 --> 00:07:34.680 Take racism, Islamophobia cases as an opportunity to tackle them 00:07:34.680 --> 00:07:38.040 and turn into a positive, informed action 00:07:38.040 --> 00:07:41.480 for students, but also for children 00:07:41.480 --> 00:07:45.520 who are in the receiving end Muslim children. 00:07:45.520 --> 00:07:49.200 We should really time to time a check with them. 00:07:49.200 --> 00:07:53.080 Are your okay everything going well at school, maybe? 00:07:53.080 --> 00:07:58.320 So my main point is really not silence it, not suppress it, 00:07:58.320 --> 00:08:00.880 take it as an opportunity to address it, 00:08:00.880 --> 00:08:04.880 to educate, and to direct it into a positive way. 00:08:04.880 --> 00:08:08.920 We recommend that you implement the “Four Rs” 00:08:08.920 --> 00:08:14.840 in terms of becoming an upstander and those for us are firstly to recognise 00:08:14.840 --> 00:08:19.080 what what you are seeing, recognise that this is, this is Islamophobia. 00:08:19.080 --> 00:08:25.400 It's not just a harmless joke or, or banter and that it needs to be addressed. 00:08:25.400 --> 00:08:29.160 The second “R” is to respond to that situation. 00:08:29.160 --> 00:08:34.160 So, you know, call it out, say something if you feel that it's safe to do so. 00:08:34.160 --> 00:08:38.160 A response doesn't have to be calling it out necessarily 00:08:38.160 --> 00:08:41.040 then and there, it could be just staying with the victim 00:08:41.040 --> 00:08:44.160 and checking in with them to make sure that they're okay. 00:08:44.160 --> 00:08:48.440 Thirdly, to record key details of the incident 00:08:48.440 --> 00:08:50.880 so make a note of what was said. 00:08:50.880 --> 00:08:51.840 Who said what? 00:08:51.840 --> 00:08:54.240 What exactly happened? Where the incident took place? 00:08:54.240 --> 00:08:58.040 If it if it didn't take place at school, if it took place on the way to school, 00:08:58.040 --> 00:09:01.440 for example, on public transport, 00:09:01.440 --> 00:09:04.520 the bus number or the train carriage number. 00:09:04.520 --> 00:09:06.520 And fourthly, report. 00:09:06.520 --> 00:09:10.560 And that means report it to the teacher. 00:09:10.560 --> 00:09:13.600 Report it to your parents, 00:09:13.600 --> 00:09:18.360 if the teacher, for example, is dismisses it and 00:09:18.360 --> 00:09:21.880 report it to the Islamophobia Register Australia, 00:09:21.880 --> 00:09:25.320 because it's really important for us to be able to capture that data. 00:09:25.320 --> 00:09:29.760 And in order for for us to be able to adequately address Islamophobia, 00:09:29.760 --> 00:09:34.400 we need to be able to communicate the scale of the problem. 00:09:34.400 --> 00:09:37.440 And so we heavily rely on reports for that.